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Selfcontrol mag

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"One of the most deplorable effects of the original apostasy was the Spirit, restores man to his former power-self-restoration and control Sense of restriction, but as an act of release. Therefore temperance-or self-control-is not to be understood in the Temperance as translated in modern Bible versions means "self-control." Purpose of all true temperance effort." - Temperance, p. Is brought into living connection with the infinite God. Success only as the grace of Christ reshapes the character and the man Re form, and that in dealing with intemperance we will achieve "real Temperance is a vital part of the third angel's message, a message of It must not beĬonfused with a study of wine or alcohol consumption this would be the What, then, is the Biblical concept of temperance?īiblical temperance is self-control through Christ. Temperance if we are to see it as the answer to these and any other Intemperance but what is needed is a clear picture of the meaning of Tobacco, drugs, tea, coffee, and cola drinks is correctly thought of as Self-control, but the practice of spotlighting abstinence, or what weĭon't do, has limited its real significance. The term temperance, however, is in reality to be equated with The minds of many Christians temperance is unconsciously equated with

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Limited appreciation of the Christian viewpoint on this subject. Self-satisfaction, and it is easy to comprehend why there is such The endorsement of gambling, usury, and other practices of The use of fermented wine for communion by some Christian churchesĬreates an image of acceptance of alcohol by Christianity. Self-control is inherent in the Christian faith. Many peoples of the world do not realize that the secret of Only as he adheres to self-control and discipline. Self-control, and Marxists see the new man for the new age as possible Mohammed advocated totalĪbstention of alcohol and other false dependencies that would weaken Mastery of himself." Buddhism is a philosophy of self-control with the Theīhagavad-Gita of the Hindus says, "That man is wise who keeps the His potential either for this life or for the life to come, they haveīeen forced to evaluate man's habits and desires in relationship to theĪlcohol, the oldest-known destroyer of self-control, has through theĬenturies been under indictment for this very reason. The current emphasis on behavior modificationĪs seers, philosophers, and revolutionaries have considered man and It, or must discover it and apply it before any great transformation It is common belief that man either lost this ability and now lacks In this basic search for self-control, even if in the process they When analyzed, almost every religious creed is involved in some way Political idealogies is the desire and ability to secure and maintain ONE of the important concepts held in common among Hindus,īuddhists, Jews, Christians, Moslems, and the adherents of some

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