Blade and soul online download us
Blade and soul online download us

Uncovering new costumes and showing off to my in game companions was rewarding and enjoyable. Somewhat related is the game’s costume system. You can tweak your toons features to your liking, and a plethora of hair and accessories are available for you to choose from. Thankfully the game boasts a decently robust character creation system. I wasn’t particularly bothered by this aspect of the game, however some gamers may find it uncouth. This isn’t a criticism simply an observation.

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T he Gon and Jin are significantly less conservative in their dress than the Yun and the Lyn. Thankfully much of this depends on your choice of race.


Women are busty and scantily clad, an expected feature in many eastern free to play MMOs. The character designs themselves are, controversial, to say the least. The graphics engine, while still not bad, is starting to age. The thrill of exploration is captured perfectly, I couldn’t wait to turn the corner and discover the next epic landmark. While not particularly cohesive, each individual map is beautiful and serves to make the questing experience much more exciting. In fact the games backdrops and environments are some of the prettiest I’ve seen in an MMO. The colorful anime aesthetic really pops. However looking past the somewhat unimpressive quality the game has an extremely unique and beautiful art style. They aren’t horrible, but if you need a graphically impressive game to satisfy you, Blade and Soul probably isn’t for you. This of course means that graphics are beginning to age. No Skimping on Skimpinessīlade and Soul is nearly five years old, a long time in terms of a games lifespan. It forces you to constantly contemplate your next move, in an attempt to outmaneuver and out play your opponent. It allows the game’s unique combat to truly shine. PvP is also super entertaining, and in my opinion the best part of the game. I found dungeons to be a fun break from the tedium of questing. Not to say the game is completely without its redeeming qualities, that is far from the truth. The quests, unfortunately, come down to go here, collect or kill this, and comeback to be awarded a marginal amount of experience. The story line has its moments, the only problem being these interesting story portions are partitioned by innumerable amounts of side quests. Nothing about the game screamed “Play me” most every activity in Blade and Soul has been done before, often times better, in other MMOs.

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Sure the combat is fun enough, after the early levels that is, but everything else seemed bland. There will be plenty of customization optionsįor all the anticipation surrounding Blade and Soul, it doesn’t provide the kind of new and innovative experience I was expecting. The game is a mixed bag, it does some things right and some wrong, however the things it does correctly may be enough to outshine its rougher aspects by the standards of some players.

blade and soul online download us

However optimization issues and lag run rampant, PvE is somewhat lack luster, and gearing at max level can be a bit of a chore. The graphics are great, if a little dated. The question though, does it live up to all the hype? In many ways yes, the game’s combat is reminiscent of classic combo based fighting games, making each encounter engaging and unique. Fans here in the west have long been clamoring for Blade and Soul: the flashy anime inspired graphics and the apparent innovation of its highly touted combat system make NCSoft’s newest experience seem like an amazing proposition. Originally published in Asia, a little over four years ago, the long anticipated game finally makes its way westward. Blade and Soul is a Korean MMORPG recently published by veterans of the MMO industry, NCSoft.

Blade and soul online download us